Tag: Spin Magazine

GOSPELBEACH premieres “Mick Jones” via SPIN

GospelbeacH Return to the Shore for ‘Mick Jones’ Single http://t.co/d9YiMT2VPV pic.twitter.com/khdQxGRRiL — SPIN (@SPINmagazine) August 12, 2015 GospelbeacH Return to the Shore for ‘Mick Jones’ Single As a founding member of Beachwood Sparks, Brent Rademaker built a castle of sand out of gently twanging guitar lines and jaunty basswork and from the looks of things […]

SPIN premieres ANDY GABBARD new video “More”

by Rachel Brodsky With its “Saved By the Bell”-esque neon detailing, obvious lo-fi production, and ironic zoom-in/zoom-out camera trickery, Andy Gabbard’s “More” video could easily be written off as little more than a collection of gimmicks — good thing then that all of those visual aspects make the clip all the more charming. Playing off […]

SPIN premieres LONESOME SHACK new single “Medicine”

WRITTEN BY David Menconi This bluesy trio calls Seattle home, but you’d swear that Lonesome Shack hail from the deepest Mississippi Delta based on this teaser from their forthcoming album More Primitive. “Medicine” ambles along at the tempo of a stroll, or a heartbeat, with the rhythm battened down tight by Kristian Garrard’s steady rolling […]


Tha Real Mother****ing Doggfather WRITTEN BY David Marchese Jerry “Swamp Dogg” Williams is a cult hero with a painful history who’s responsible for some of the most unique rock-influenced R&B (and weirdest album covers) ever made. And he also happens to be a pioneering indie mini-mogul. DAVID MARCHESE traveled to Southern California to get down […]