Lots going on with this album but it is cohesive, consistent and very, very listenable to. I keep hearing and reading that the album is dead and that people only download selected songs…for sure, your average music consumer today has a very short-attention span and is bombarded by content in the fragmented world we live in but the fact is that, very often, an album is patchy with highs and lows and lots of filler.
Not so with Demon Blues which grabs you early doors with the impossibly catchy “Out With The Tide” and doesn’t let up. Simplicity is a prevalent thread throughout this album but this is to the album’s credit, not detriment. Whether your bag is spacey blues or non-gloomy (White ?) Sabbathy riffs, Datura4 has produced a very delicious piece of work. The band name may sound like the moniker for a wrongly-imprisoned group of ne’er do-wells, preaching their innocence to the public but I’m assured Datura is a poisonous strain of flowering plant with possible aphrodisiac qualities (suspect you might have to smoke it to get the latter effect).