To me, RADIO MOSCOW is the perfect representation of the idiom “they haven’t reinvented the wheel, but daaammn, they can roll it!”. While Parker Griggs perfectly embodies the über gifted and hyperactive multi-instrumentalist who knows exactly what’s best for him and his band (I mean, musically speaking), the lineup has finally stabilized around drummer Paul Marrone and bassist Anthony Meier. I don’t actually know the story behind the making of “Magical Dirt”, and to be honest I didn’t care much when I started writing this review, because this record displays such an incredible amount of shimmering colors, its guitar licks catch you so swiftly… that ultimately, who would care about the ins and outs? To all the people who loved the singles reservoir that “Brain Cycles” is, here: “Magical Dirt” was cast in the same mould. The electric boogie blues dispensed by RADIO MOSCOW conveys a flamboyant energy from beginning to end, from which we can already take off a few hit songs like “Death Of A Queen”, “These Days” or that kind of funky “Bridges”. Self-confidence and complicity were certainly the key elements in the songwriting of this new album, for good vibes show up at any moment. Party anthems being displayed by a trio of hard-partying fellas, what a delight it is.
Link : From rock to doom : the 10 coolest releases of 2014 (so far!)