Magical Dirt – Radio Moscow (Alive Natural Sound)
Written by The Barman on 14 June 2014.
Radio Moscow’s “thing” is pretty easy to get your head around: Meandering but economical psychedelic guitar jams wrapped around bluesy vocals. Loud and comparatively clean with a dash of funk in the bottom end.
On Album Number Four this Iowa power trio don’t diverge from the formula. There’s some gated vocals, a little steel guitar undercoat visible through the riff-heavy exterior (“Sweet Lil Thing” and “Stinging”), but it’s mostly ball-out, see-you-at-the-finish-line rave-ups.
The term “jams” doesn’t do the songs justice because they are well-realized with no filler. Guitarist-vocalist Parker Griggs is well versed in his classic rock. Something like “These Days” with its rolling bass rumble and cascading riff simply out-Creams Cream before spearing off into space rock territory.